
Cute, Fun Token Boards

Token Boards are an essential part of life around my school, so much that you'll hear staff calling "Could you grab so-and-so's token binder?" pretty much all day. In ABA, token binders are used to show our students how much longer they'll be following directions and completing academic tasks before it's "Their Turn" for an activity of their choosing. The tokens also offer a physical & visual incentive for our Sensory Learners. Earning a preferred activity by completing academic tasks is one of the best, most literal "first-then" systems for ASD students, and I've seen firsthand the personal pride and sense of accomplishment my kids get from seeing that they did something right in a world that often tells them how wrong they are.

With our Year-Round schedule drawing to a close for 2016-17, and only one short month to prep for 2017-18, we paraprofessionals are running around like mad lab rats with a plan, hustling to get everything ready for the kiddos when they come back from August break. On top of closing out my student's academic binders, I'm also taking a hard look at his workhorse materials. And you guessed it, Token Board is chief among them.

My guy loves art & color, so I really want to punch up his drab, black and white, old binder with something that'll get him excited to do his tasks and earn those tokens. Maybe I went a little nuts with Canva, but hey, I almost always do. And considering how vital token binders are in my world, I figured I would go ahead and share them with anyone who may be in a similar spot.

Here are 3 designs for Token Boards that can add a Splash of Color to your Back To School. Enjoy!

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